Physical Health Questionnaire How well are you?Do you suffer from: Allergies Asthma Backache Bronchitis Chronic fatigue Cold feet or cold hands Constipation or diarrhea Depression Diabetes Fibromyalgia Food sensitivities Frequent colds and flu Hayfever Headaches High or low blood pressure Indigestion or heart-burn Insomnia Menopausal symptoms Migraines Muscle spasm or strain Neck tension or stiffness Palpitations Panic attacks Period pains Poor immunity Pre-menstrual tension Reflux Shortness of breath Sinusitis Skin problems Sleep Apnea Stiff or aching joints Stiff or aching muscles Tired eyes Urinary frequency or infections Even one tick means you could feel better than you do.Enter your contact details below if you would like Maureen to contact you about the items you selected and how she might help.Name First Last Email Phone