Lifestyle Resources

Life Skills Education

Life Skills Education

Coaching, Workshops, Seminars and Courses The word ‘skill’ means ‘practised ability’. People don’t come with an ‘operating manual’! We learn skills like walking and talking and feeding ourselves by instinct more than anything else. And to gain these skills we had to...

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Learning is a natural drive. Our curiosity and quest for adventure is strong in our early years, as we learn about the world around us. Learning to walk, talk and feed ourselves is something most children automatically strive to do - and keep trying until they...

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Happy: Lucky, fortunate, contented with one's lot. Are you happy most of the time? Do you feel lucky, fortunate and contented with your 'lot' in life? Happiness is certainly not something that can be given to us by anyone else - not by a partner, a parent, doctor, or...

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Sometimes we have forgotten what it feels like to be really healthy! Imbalances creep up on us until suddenly we have to face up to the fact that our body doesn't work as well as it used to. We can accept that situation and keep going by responding to the aches, pains...

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GETTING YOUR FAIR SHARE OF AIR! Breathing is the most essential and the most constant thing that human beings do. It is also the first independent thing we do - and the last! Most of us assume that our breathing is okay - after all, we are still alive, aren't we?...

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